That's Not Fair!

Posted by Leah Jones on Monday, November 24, 2014
The echo of the child's words has stayed with me all day.
This morning, we took our new car to church.  When one of my son's friends saw it, she said, "That's not fair!"
She was notably jealous of our new (to us) vehicle.  And understandably so.  It's a rare vehicle, at least to our location.

Her words, however, have been echoing in my head for the past few hours.  I'm almost grieved that she would say it isn't fare that our family has a vehicle that holds all of us comfortably.  It pains me that she doesn't share in our joy of God's blessings.  Understand that this is a child, not an adult, and that I, as an adult, should pay her no mind.  But still, the words sting a little.

Why?  Why am I upset that a child things God's blessings on me are unfair?  

I know why.  Because I've done the very same thing.  I've judged someone else unworthy of an item, a thing, be it house, car, job, whatever, because I was envious of that thing.  How horrible of me!  Behaving as a jealous child when I ought to be rejoicing with my brother or sister in Christ.  Lord, forgive me!

Have you done the same?  Have you assumed that someone "beneath you" didn't deserve something that was clearly a blessing from God?  Have you questioned God for blessing someone when you REALLY needed that thing?

Let us all learn this lesson, to rejoice with one another when the need is met and the blessing prepared for one another comes through.  

Many people have prayed this blessing into our lives.  Many people shared our joy this morning!  Thank you to all who have prayed and encouraged us and been such a blessing as we waited on God.  This gift is so much better than a car payment!

Tags: blessings  amazing god 


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