
Posted by Leah Jones on Thursday, February 12, 2015 Under: Health
I know.  I'm WAY behind on posting.  Blogging just hasn't been at the forefront of my attention lately.  Sorry.

There's a new page!!! Well, a couple of new pages.  The first is "Health."  On the main Health page, I tell my story of beginning a weight loss journey, share a few movie previews, and my process of blending up healthy smoothies.

I'm excited to see this weight come off.  It's been packed on my 5'6" frame for FAR too long!  For 15 years I've been over-weight to obese.  It's just gotta end!  No more!  Goodbye 260 lbs.  Hello 130!  I'm not there yet, but I will be, Lord willing.  He is my Provider and Sustainer.  I certainly couldn't continue on this journey without Him.

This is more than a fad diet.  This is a nutritional lifestyle change.  Once I realized that the foods I'd been eating were depleted of nutrients and that that is why my body was craving food ALL. THE. TIME., I changed.  I've loaded my grocery cart with vegetables and fruits that I never thought I would buy.  

Right now, I'm on a sort of Reboot.  I'm resetting my body to what is normal.  I'm finding that I'm slowly beginning to crave the foods that are healthy for me.  I could actually smell the vegetables at the grocery store yesterday, and I'm craving pickles for the first time in nearly 20 years!

I am amazed at how my body is responding to this reboot.  I have a lot of energy and the results are coming so quickly that everyday has me realizing that something else fits better or is too big!  What a blessing!  Praise Yahuah!!!!

In : Health 

Tags: reboot  health  weight  diet 


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